Is it about the journey or the destination?

Welcome to strength training and conditioning. It’s my goal to get you feeling stronger, fitter, faster, leaner, and to love getting there.

It’s always the right time to start strength training and the longer you stick with it the more benefits you’ll feel.

I’m a fully-qualified female fitness coach specialising in Strength and Conditioning (S&C)

Whatever you’re aiming to achieve, my expertise and knowledge of strength training will help you move forwards.  Maybe you want to drop a dress size, improve your sports performance, train for a competition, or something else? 

Whatever your goal, you’ll end up finding that you love the journey as much as the destination. 

My qualifications: BSc (Honours) Sports & Exercise Science, Strength & conditioning coach (Level 3), Personal Trainer (Level 3).

Something for everyone


For anyone completely new to fitness training, I start with the basics and we build from there.


I specialise in tailoring training programmes for Ultra/endurance runners, powerlifters, cyclists and rugby players.

After injury

If you’ve had to stop doing what you love because of injury, I can help you safely get back to full fitness.

Especially for women

I love getting other women into lifting and helping them to see the multiple benefits that strength training can bring. Women tell me they feel more capable and confident as well as loving the way their body changes.